Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Transformation Inside and Out

This is my favorite #transformationtuesday story so far!! Why is it my favorite? Well because it is ours heart emoticon. Mine and my husbands. We have been together for almost 14 years and through out all those years we have been on an amazing journey called life.... It wasn't always fun, easy or full of grace and believe me there have been lots of trials, hardships, and learning experiences but we have gotten through them all TOGETHER. We are better together!
The picture on the left was us- 4 years ago. The picture of the right is us a couple months ago, CELEBRATING life!
Can you you see the difference between us from then to now? Some are really obvious, some are on the surface and yet others are extremely skin deep. I am sure you see the weight loss, maybe the better skin and whiter/ straighter teeth, changes in our hair smile emoticon Well Mine at least! lol! but what you can't see in the old us is how we were struggling, suffering from extreme exhaustion, fear, unhappiness. How we felt like we were just surviving day to day.
Two years ago I hit a breaking point with my own personal reflection in the mirror and my own unhappiness. That low time led to me to seek to change for the first time in what seemed like forever. That is how I found Beachbody, Since then I have learned to take better care of me, to make healthier foods for my family and for us to eat proper portions, Drinks less wine frown emoticon and even Exercise. It is amazing how much better I feel!! Those changes flowed over to my husband and my children. I love that we are teaching our children to be healthy all by example!
Of course we we still have rough days and life is still busy with 3 little blessings to chase after BUT now we are now stronger, healthier, happier and it is not just on the surface but Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, Financially, and Spiritually!
Are all wonderful improvements results of a shake called Shakeology? or even an at home workout? No, of course not. BUT It was that leap of faith which led me to take a chance on myself, step out of comfort zone and join Beachbody. I can not share all of the wonderful opportunities our family now has nor care I share how deeply wonderful it feels to help other amazing women get better , stronger, and healthier ...
Oh and Shakeology and those effective at home workouts are life changing TOOLS that I use to help change me from the inside out. Yep! Better skin, a smaller waistline and a lower number on the scale are a few of the perks BUT what is most important for you to see here in our #transformationstory is the deeper changes!! Personal growth, Passion, CONFIDENCE, HAPPINESS, JOY, LIVING life rather than just Surviving it!

YOU too Can experience this transformation! If you don't jump out of bed on Monday morning excited about the possibilities and the opportunities the new week will bring you and your family, lets's chat!
I can help you design a life that allows you to be excited about Monday vs counting down the days til Friday!!! Don't limit yourself...Opportunity is knocking but will you answer!?!

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