Thursday, September 10, 2015

Autumn Calabrese PUMPKIN “PIE” BITES - 21 Day Fix Dessert


Who is ready for Fall? I know it is certainly one of my favorite times of the year– especially when it comes to all the delicious seasonal dishes I look forward to all year. Pumpkin Pie is one of those dishes, but so often it’s loaded with lots of junk that takes me away from my heath and fitness goals. These pumpkin “pie” bites are an amazing substitute, and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
It may still feel like summer around here but let’s be honest, it’s never too early to start indulging those pumpkin cravings!


Pumpkin Bites
1 can pumpkin or 1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
2 very ripe bananas
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon Himalayan or sea salt
Whipped Topping
1 can coconut milk- full fat
2 Tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla or vanilla beans
(Makes approx 12 standard muffin sized bites)


1. Combine all the pumpkin bite ingredients in a food processor, and blend until smooth. (You may need to scrape down the sides a few times.)
2. Spoon the mixture into lined muffin pans. *Option to use silicone liners to lessen chance of bites sticking to paper.
3. Preheat oven to 350. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
4.Let these cool completely before removing from the muffin liners. Since they are soft like pumpkin pie, I highly recommend putting these in the fridge after baking so they can firm up a bit.
5. (For the whipped topping) Open can of coconut milk that has been in the fridge overnight. Scoop the fatty white part off and place in a mixing bowl with the vanilla and maple syrup. Use the whipping attachment and whip the coconut into a cream.
6. Scoop a little on top of each muffin and option to garnish with pumpkin pie spice!
* MUST keep these stored in the fridge.
* I highly recommend making the whip topping right before eating for optimal results in taste and texture.
** I know a lot of you are looking for the container equivalent (the color coded portion control system from 21 Day Fix), well not everything fits so nicely into a little box.
This recipe is for sure healthier, it does not container refined sugar, white flour, or gluten. It is also vegan. That being said it is still dessert, it still has calories, it still has fat and it is still meant to be enjoyed on occasion not all the time.
Not every recipe I share on here fits perfectly into the container system! I try to offer healthier versions of treats as an option for people to enjoy, especially during the holiday season where it can be hard to be surrounded by sweet temptations. If you want to use the recipe as an inspiration for a #21DayFixApproved recipe and share the containers, I know many other fixers would appreciate!
Recipe and content from

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